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Helena MT 59601
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Premiere Dance Company Presents: Unite! A Collaboration of Choreographers

Premiere Dance Company Presents: Unite! A Collaboration of Choreographers

Friday, March 28th at 7:00 PM
Saturday, March 29th at 7:00 PM

Get ready for an unforgettable evening of dance and creativity with “Unite! A Collaboration of Choreographers” featuring the incredible talents of Helena’s own Premiere Dance Company.

This unique performance is the result of eight choreographers setting their works on the versatile dancers of the Premiere Dance Company. It promises to be a spectacular showcase of both classical and contemporary dance, blending diverse styles and artistic visions.

Witness the magic as talented choreographers bring their creative concepts to life with the PDC dancers. From the intricate movements of classical ballet to the dynamic energy of modern dance, each piece will leave you in awe. Out-of-town guest choreographers include Clara Foster, Ellie Mercer, and Katie Thompson. Local choreographers include Diadra Goldes, Therese Simpson, Ainsley Tooke, Julynn Wildman, and PDC Artistic Director, Charlene White.

PDC extends a heartfelt thanks to their Premiere Sponsor, Montana Internet and Spotlight Sponsor, Morrison Maierle for their generous support. Their contributions help make this spectacular production possible.

Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to experience the fusion of talent, passion, and creativity in “Unite! A Collaboration of Choreographers.”

Box Seats: $37
Premium: $32
Select: $27 Regular/$20 for Seniors & Students
Economy: $15
*A small service fee will be added to the price of each ticket

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